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Q FriendsQ Dates Q ChillQ Road Trip

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Q friends lite is the free version of our popular, thought-provoking and laughter-inspiring questions game for you and your friends! If you like what you get with friends lite, upgrade to the full version for expanded questions!

Here are some sample questions from the game:

  • What was one of your favorite TV shows from the 80’s?
  • Name a historical figure that you would like to vacation with. (and Why?)
  • Describe what your room looked like when you were a teenager.

“Learn something you never knew about someone your already know. This app is great fun, especially passing time in the car.”


*Works for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPhone Original and iPod Touch



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Q friends offers a series of thought-provoking and laughter-inspiring questions for you and your friends, right on your iPhone!

Here are some sample questions from the game:

  • What was one of your favorite TV shows from the 80’s?
  • Name a historical figure that you would like to vacation with. (and Why?)
  • Describe what your room looked like when you were a teenager.

“In a world that seems to be moving so fast… Q helps you to relax, laugh, listen and really connect with your friends…”


*Works for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPhone Original and iPod Touch

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Q friends combines thought-provoking and laughter-inspiring questions with fun ground rules. The result is a card game that helps friends have fun and really connect.

Here are some sample questions from the game:

  • Describe a time when you fought for something.
  • If you could visit the set of any movie (past or present) while it was being made, which would you choose? (and Why?)
  • Describe one of your favorite road trips.

“It’s fun even if you only have a few minutes… but trust me… you won’t want to stop once you get started!”

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Q dates is a one-on-one, no-pressure way to connect with your date. The iPhone version is a take-anywhere safe and fun way to get to know each other a little better… whether it’s your 1st or your 101st date!  

Here are some sample questions from the game:

  • If you had to make a guest appearance on a TV show (past or present), which would you pick and why?
  • What are two nice things that you would say about your date to describe them to someone who doesn’t know them?
  • Complete the following statement: “Every child should be taught ____________.”

“We’ve been married for over 4 years… and Q dates is a fun way to relax and spark conversation when we’re out on a date!”


*Works for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPhone Original and iPod Touch

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Q dates is a fun, non-pressure way to connect with another person when you’re out on a date.  Why not try it on your next date… whether it’s your first or 101st date?

Here are some sample questions from the game:

  • One of my favorite things to eat is _______, and the best place to get it is ___________.
  • Describe something that makes your date unique (in a good way).
  • One of the best things about my week is when I ___________. 

“Q dates helped to eliminate any of those ‘uncomfortable quiet moments’ of a first date. It gave us plenty to talk about… and laugh about.”

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Q chill is more than a conversation starter… is a thought provoking, laughter inspiring game for when you want to chill with your friends.


These questions were inspired by high-school and college students who wanted to relax, laugh and really connect with their friends.


Some of the questions will make you think. Some will make you laugh. Some might even surprise you. But all of them will help you to have fun and connect with the people you play with.


Give Q chill a try when you are wanting to just chill with your friends… whether it’s at a party, while you’re on a road trip or just hanging with your bff.


Sample Questions:

  • The best candy ever created is ______ and the best place to eat it is _________.  
  • One of my favorite things that I own is my _______________.    
  • What are two songs that would be on the soundtrack to your life?   
  • Describe your best friend from Junior High/Middle School.  
  • If you could instantly be able to play a sport at a professional level, what would you play?  Where would you want to play?      
  • What is one cool thing about the person sitting to your right? 

"We had a ton of fun, plus we really got to know each other better!” 

"I couldn’t believe the stuff that I found out about my friends.  It was great.  We had fun but we also felt a lot closer too.  That was cool.”  

"I loved it.  I was surprised because I found stuff out about my best friends that I didn’t even know!  It was so much fun!”

"I don’t know how to explain it.  We had fun but it also felt safe.  It was cool.  We kept going back to questions again because we kept thinking of new answers.”


*Works for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPhone Original and iPod Touch


Buy Q Chill from iTunes

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Q road trip is more than a conversation starter.  It’s a thought provoking, laughter inspiring game for when you want to connect while traveling!   

It’s a question-based game that everybody wins!  

Some of the questions get you thinking.  Some questions get you laughing.  Some help you dream.  Some help you to connect to the people you are playing with.


Sample Questions:

  • If you could use a time machine to take a vacation in any time period, which would you pick and who would you take with you?
  • What’s one of the best meals that you’ve had while on a road trip or vacation?
  • What’s one of the most relaxing places you’ve ever visited?
  • If you could go to one area in the world that’s considered dangerous and know that you wouldn’t get hurt, where would you go?
  • Where did you want to go on a vacation when you were a kid?
  • What cancelled TV show do you wish they would bring back?

"It’s perfect for having in the car or for taking on long trips.  We have used ours when we’re driving and it makes the trips a lot shorter and a lot more fun!”

"We have played travel games before and they were fine.  But this game helped us to really have fun and get to know each other a lot better.”

"It was great.  We turned off the radio and the dvd player and everybody joined in.  It seemed like there were questions that everybody wanted to answer, no matter how old everybody was.  And we really got to talk, which we don’t always seem to get to do anymore.  We loved it.”

"We used it on a long road trip.  It made the time pass quickly but it also helped everyone really get in the mood for our vacation.  It was great.”

"It was funny.  We’d play it for a while and put it away.  But then the kids would ask if we could play it some more.  They seemed to love it as much as we did!”


Why not give Q road trips a try whether you are in the car for 5 minutes or 5 hours?


*Works for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPhone Original and iPod Touch


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